
This section outlines the steps to install and configure the Pulse Labs FlightRecorder SDK for Flutter.

The configuration automatically displays an introduction the first time a user launches your app and activates the SDK when the user shakes the device or takes a screenshot.

Important notes:

  • FlightRecorder SDK requires an Android minimum SDK version (minSdk) of 21 or higher.

  • FlightRecorder SDK will not initiate on devices running Android versions 7 or below. This is due to the screen recording approach used, which is not supported on these older versions of Android.

  • The Pulse Labs FlightRecorder SDK requires that your app has a minimum deployment target of iOS 15.0 or higher. Additionally, the SDK will only run on devices running iOS 16.0 or higher.

To discuss customization options or to request support for adapting the SDK to your specific needs, please contact our support team at flightrecorder@pulselabs.ai.

Last updated