How are privacy and PII handled with FlightRecorder?
First and foremost, users themselves control what information is sent and when. That includes being able to edit videos before sending to remove portions they want to exclude.
This is in contrast to more traditional session replay tools that capture everything, whether or not it's crucial to the customer, and without explicitly asking your customers if they want to share it.
Customers can only see information on your own app users, and that information is never shared or sold elsewhere.
Can I see which users submitted which reports?
Currently, to protect privacy, all submissions are anonymous.
If you are interested in collecting user information such as names and emails, please speak with the team as that is an ability we can enable in the future.
Can my app users opt out of FlightRecorder?
Yes at any time, your app users can toggle FlightRecorder functionality off.
currently we avoid capturing keyboards in iOS...
in the process is rededicated capture where we will not record the values from common fields (emails, passwords, credit card information) and allow customers to identify and tag additional fields for FlightRecorder to skip in the recoring process
Do you record sensitive inputs (e.g., passwords, credit card information)?
Pulse labs is currently developing several different redaction approaches to avoid capturing sensitive user-entered data.
(a) Automatic Redaction
We will automatically exclude certain common fields that contain PII from being captured:
Phone Number
PIN Number
Social Security Number
Bank Account and Routing Numbers
Credit and Debit Card Numbers, including CVV
(b) Customized Field Redaction
In collaboration with client development teams, we can identify and redact additional fields deemed sensitive.
(c) User-Managed Redaction
Participants have the option to clip and obscure specific segments of their screen recordings within the application before they submit their data.
Last updated