Technical Questions
How do I let my app users know FlightRecorder is present in the app?
You can let your users know with other information when releasing updates to your app. And your app developers can set periodic reminders that FlightRecorder is in place.
Is the FlightRecorder software complex?
No. It is a few lines of code that are easy to insert in your app.
Does Pulse Labs get access to my app when I use FlightRecorder?
No. You download the SDK yourself and add it to your app. That ensures you remain in control of your app’s contents.
Does FlightRecorder take up a lot of memory?
No. FlightRecorder in the default configuration only keeps the most recent 15-seconds of screen activity, helping to keep memory use to a minimum. Longer recordings are possible though this will increase memory use on the phone and increase user time to review videos before sending.
What is the difference between FlightRecorder videos and “always on” app activity recorders?
FlightRecorder focuses on specific moments of interest to users, such as bugs or ideas for improvements. It allows your app users to engage right in those moments. This means you get fewer videos and insights and at the same time ensures that all are important to your app users. “Always on” or session replay tools capture everything, whether or not it's crucial to the customer. The downside is that you have to cull through records of everything from all users to find the most important details. There is also a great risk for PII exposure.
What if my app is already using the shake feature?
FlightRecorder can be triggered by a phone shake, screenshot or any button or switch embedded in your app. Others are in the works.
Can FlightRecorder use event-based triggers?
App developers can trigger a capture based on any event or action within the app. App users still need to allow the send.
How long are recordings stored?
By default, recordings are stored for 90 days on our portal. This can be configured by customer if desired.
What features are coming next?
You can view - and vote on - our public feature roadmap here:
Last updated